citibee, a people-kind-of-parking
Strategy, Identity, Digital, Space
Koen Fillet
CAPS (Paul Poelmans) & Cypres (Pieter Vereertbrugghen)
Text, Eric Rinckhout & Yves Desmet
Production supervision,
Simone Roovers (Cypres)
Printing & finishing, Chapo
Photography (portrait),
Koen Van Maele
Context The Trail is a series of thirteen paintings by Koen Fillet based on a single theme: an overgrown wooden pathway in Wales. The painter looks at the trail from different points of view; from up-close to further away. The challenge for the book design was to show 13 paintings which – at first glance – look very alike but also each have their own unique qualities within the series.
Concept From the design to the binding, the book symbolises a path. The sleeve functions as a blueprint of the 13 paintings. The book itself is conceived as parts of this blueprint, allowing the reader to see smaller details as well as paintings in their full format.
Koen Fillet
CAPS (Paul Poelmans) & Cypres (Pieter Vereertbrugghen)
Text, Eric Rinckhout & Yves Desmet
Production supervision,
Simone Roovers (Cypres)
Printing & finishing, Chapo
Photography (portrait),
Koen Van Maele