Conformiteitsattest, legislation made accessible
Digital, Editorial
Identity, Space
Lingerie Pro
LP jan 2018; illustration, Clementine Hoens
Studio Vercammen,
Studio Phie &
Arne Decorte
Context LingeriePro is the only fashion fair in Belgium with a focus on lingerie, swimwear and nightwear. With over 350 brands present it's a place where well-known brands stand side by side with new young designers, floating on the waves of the latest fashion trends. Twice a year, we design and help roll out the campaign for the LingeriePro Tradefair event.
Design Friendly, feminine, elegant and accessible are the recurring keywords for each campaign. Apart from that, the sky is the limit and each campaign gets its own distinctive look based on that year's theme.
Realisation What started as an assignment in 2017 has since grown into a long-term collaboration. For every edition since we've designed the complete campaign image: from social media posts, merch and signage, down to every little paperclip.
Lingerie Pro
LP jan 2018; illustration, Clementine Hoens
Studio Vercammen,
Studio Phie &
Arne Decorte